About ME

Amenazeb (Ah-men-ah-zeh-b) Khan is a Pakhtun-American writer and artist living in Ireland. She is overeducated (according to the number of degrees she has—apparently, three is too many), unemployable (all she wants to do is write…), and daydreams too much.

She is not concerned with the above facts and spends her time trying to find ways to fill the creative well, as Julia Cameron puts it, and then finding ways to empty said well into her creative endeavors.

Her writing has appeared in The Goldfinch, the publication of Women Who Write, Inc., and The Normal Review (Montclair State University). Her work attempts to create discourse centered on Pakhtun people, women, and immigration, often focusing on themes of belonging, identity, and intersecting cultures. Although she has a passion for creative non-fiction, she also writes poetry and dabbles in flash fiction that strives to capture the strange, the mundane, and the humorous. She is currently working on a collection of creative nonfiction stories from her ancestral village in Khyber Pakhtun Khwa, Pakistan, where her true home is.